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  • lexiholmberg

Through the Eyes of Braeden

Have you ever felt like you’ve missed out on anything in life?

“No, everyone is really good at making me feel accepted.”

How has being on the autism spectrum affected your everyday life?

“It hasn’t had a huge impact on my life, but I’ve always had trouble with small social things, like if you feel one thing, I might interpret it completely different than you, or you will say something funny and I might take it as a bad thing.”

So social cues are difficult?

“Yes, social and emotional cues are difficult for me to read.”

If you had to share one thing with someone about the autism spectrum, whether it relates to you or not, what would it be?

“Not everyone is different from you. Autism is so much bigger than the 2 main subcategories which are high-functioning and low-functioning, the spectrum is huge, and affects so many people differently. Someone who you know may have autism and you would never know because it’s so minor.”

When did you find out?

I found out fairly early, I believe when I was 6. I went to the doctor when my parents thought something was a little off. Within 15 minutes, they were positive that I was on the spectrum, and I was diagnosed with Aspergers.

Interview with classmate Braeden

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